Dr. Horrible Campaign Button
I would vote for him.
The 24 Hour Dr. Horrible Costume
To answer the question I keep getting: Yes, I do commissions. You can read all about having me make you a costume …
Fan Fiction 100 Challenge
Topic: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog – Evil League of Evil Don’t forget to visit my Dr. Horrible Fansite 001. Beginnings. 002. Middles. …

Blanc and Noir- eFiction 3 skin
This skin is designed for Efiction 3 This is a fast loading skin with no images.
F-Zero Fanlisting
Well, I couldn’t let Captain Falcon be all on his lonesome. The F-Zero Series Fanlisting is functional, but the extra sections aren’t …
128 Brawl Screencaps
I just uploaded 128 Super Smash Bros. Brawl Screencaps, including a full set of Kirby costumes. You can view the gallery here …
Show Me Your Moves!
I finally managed to snag enough time to get the Captain Falcon fanlisting up and running. It’s not 100% complete, but the …